Molly Bendall
is the author of five books of poetry, most recently Watchful from Omnidawn. Lately poems have appeared in Bennington Review, Datableed, Volt, and Lana Turner. She teaches at the University of Southern California.
Contributions: Two Translations
Julia Burgdorff
's poems have most recently appeared in Brazenhead Review and Plume Poetry 10. She works as the Program Assistant for Columbia University's Graduate Writing Program, where she earned an MFA.
Contributions: Four Poems, From an Empty House
Chia-Lun Chang
is the author of One Day We Become Whites (No, Dear/Small Anchor Press, 2016). Recent work appears in the Brooklyn Poets, Poetry Society of America, Pinwheel, Apogee, and Sink Review. She has received support from Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Tofte Lake Center, Vermont Studio Center and Poets House. Born and raised in New Taipei City, Taiwan, she lives in New York City.
Contributions: How dare you ask
Adrienne Chung
is in the MFA program at UW-Madison. Her work has been supported by the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and a rotating cast of reply guys. IG: @lovelife_of_a_cat Twitter: @roymorbidson
Contributions: Two Poems
Mary Clark
was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She lives in Los Angeles and hosts a poetry podcast called Shadow on Speaker.
Contributions: Notebook
Audrey Deng
was born in Texas and now lives in New York. In school she studied comparative literature and creative writing. Please reach her @6iji4d3.
Contributions: Party at The Get-Down Jones, Not My Fault!
Claire Dougherty
is from Stockton, CA. She lives in Pasadena and works in Hollywood. The Claire Bitch Project is forthcoming from Theaphora.
Contributions: Two Poems, Three Poems, An excerpt from The Claire Bitch Project
Shyanne Figueroa Bennett
is a Brooklyn poet with roots in Panama, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico. Her work has been published in Oversound, The Acentos Review, and Queen Mob's Tea House, among other places. Currently, she is an MFA candidate at Columbia University, where she is a recipient of a Chair's Fellowship and a Creative Writing Teaching Fellowship.
Contributions: Two Poems
Alan Gilbert
is the author of two books of poetry, The Treatment of Monuments and Late in the Antenna Fields, as well as a collection of essays, articles, and reviews entitled Another Future: Poetry and Art in a Postmodern Twilight.
Contributions: Two Poems
Anastasios Karnazes
is author of Rainbow Sonnets 20 (The Song Cave) and editor of Theaphora.
Contributions: How All Spit in the Place, ASIF THIS IS IT 1, POETRY 6, New Poetry
Ish Klein
is a poet, media artist and playwright. Her most recent book of poetry is called, The New Sun Time (Canarium Books, 2020). She is a founding member of the Kalamazoo River Valley Poets Theater (KRVPT) and hosts The Problems Show. You can read her work on the Poetry Foundation website, and on the Incessant Pipe blog to name three. Her website is
Contributions: No Star. All Stars...
Sofia Majstorovic
is a waitress based in Morongo Valley, CA. She wore her graduation gown unzipped with a dress from the fast fashion retailer "Cider" during Columbia University's massively tardy MFA commencement in May 2021. Her work has appeared in Cinema Scope, Forever Magazine, Tilted House, and Downtime Magazine, among others. She is the co-founder and editor of RECLINER.
Contributions: Fearless, And the place was water, House Poor, Restaurant Fragments
Joyce Mansour
(1928-1986) was an Egyptian French poet who was associated with the French Surrealists.
Contributions: Two Translations
Raphaël Massart
is a visual artist living in Paris who graciously allowed us to malign his photo for the cover of this issue. His Instagram is @raphaelmassart.
Contributions: Cover photo
Sawako Nakayasu
is an artist working with language, performance, and translation – separately and in various combinations. She has lived mostly in the US and Japan, briefly in France and China, and translates from Japanese. Her books include Some Girls Walk Into The Country They Are From (Wave Books), Pink Waves (forthcoming, Omnidawn), and The Ants (Les Figues Press), Texture Notes (Letter Machine Editions), and the translation of The Collected Poems of Chika Sagawa (Canarium Books), as well as Mouth: Eats Color – Sagawa Chika Translations, Anti-translations, & Originals (reprint forthcoming, Wave Books), a multilingual work of both original and translated poetry. She is co-editor, with Eric Selland, of an anthology of 20th Century Japanese Poetry (forthcoming, New Directions). She teaches at Brown University. Website:
Contributions: Three Poems from Some Girls Walk Into The Country They Are From
Adam Nayman
is an author, critic, and teacher in Toronto. He wrote one New Yorker profile and passed two kidney stones in June of this year.
Contributions: Oldies Night: Monster at 25 Ten Observations About Top Gun: Maverick
Ryan Petersen
is a writer based in New York City. He's previously published in Hobart, The End Magazine, and Expat Press. IG and Twitter: @ryandpetersen.
Contributions: Vespid, Lamprey, Twitch, Incontinence
Nick Pinkerton
is a Cincinnati-born, Brooklyn-based writer focused on moving image-based art. His writing has appeared in Film Comment, Sight & Sound, Artforum, Frieze, Reverse Shot, The Guardian, 4Columns, The Baffler, Rhizome, Harper's and the Village Voice, among other venues, and he operates the Substack newsletter Employee Picks. His forthcoming book, Goodbye, Dragon Inn, is out March 21, 2021 with Fireflies Press.
Contributions: Memory Motel
Will Randick
is a twenty-nine year old poet living in New York City.
Contributions: Consecration, Prequel to Performance
Jimmy Symington IV
's work can be seen in Cathexis Northwest Press, and in the bilingual Spanish press Fragments. Accepting donations @club_a_nyc.
Contributions: PLAY DEAD